So you want to learn something about Radiant, eh? You want to make JK2 maps? Well you've come to the right place. :) In order to use the Mapping University effectively, you must follow the correct sequence of tutorials. If you already have a good working knowledge of Radiant, you can skip to any tutorial you need help in. However, if you are learning Radiant for the first time, you must go through General Concepts 101-102 to get a basic grip of Radiant and good mapping technique. After that, you can take any 200-level class that you want. After you have mastered all the material in the 200-level classes, you may take any 300-level class. After you have mastered all that material, you may take any 400-level class. If you are a newcomer, you will have something to show for your efforts by GC101: Lesson 4! This organization is to help you learn Radiant in the most simple, straightforward manner possible. After taking all the 100-level classes, you will have a good grasp of the material and should be able to make a basic map without much difficulty. 200-level classes will make your levels look more professional and give you a wider range of options in design, although the techniques described aren't necessarily vital to a map. 300- and 400-level classes are much more advanced topics and should only be untaken if you specifically want the effect described. The Conclusion to each class will list the skills you should have obtained as well as a project to make sure that you learned what you set out to learn. If there is a tutorial you would like added, please e-mail me with your suggestion. Good luck in your quest to learn JK2Radiant. (:
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