Often, you will here casual references to worldspawn on Radiant messageboards, but few times people actually explain what it is. I am here to clarify. Worldspawn is the first entity listed in your .MAP. It is the first entity listed in any map, as it contains all the brush coordinate information that gives your map its architecture. As far as what you need to know, however, it contains all the global settings for your map. To access worldspawn, press ESC to deselect all entities, and then press the N Key to bring up the entity window. Scroll down the list and select worldspawn at the very end. That's it! From worldspawn, you can set music, change the gravity, and a variety of BSP options. If you want ambient light (be wary - this can make your map be lit very unrealistically if used improperly), set the key ambient and a value (such as 200). Then add the key _color and a value in color form, with normalized red, green and blue (such as 1 1 1). You can here also add the tagline for your map. In SP, you generally won't want to add one, but in MP, you definitely will. Add the key message and whatever you want to appear on the first line of map information when your map is loading on a player's computer. Most often, this should simply be the long title of your map. |